Visualize Value Investing
While most analysis platforms miss the forest for the trees. Theory A provides a holistic view of value investing by leveraging inter-stock relationships and historical data context to uncover the hidden patterns of value investing.

Hybrid Analysis
Combine the perspectives of option traders and fundamental analysts.

AAPL Market Cap vs
Option Chain

Log Scale
Show Negative
Intuitive Fundamentals
Market price is always correct because it is a reflection of what people are willing to pay. The mark-to-market market cap however is not. By overlaying marketcap and earnings we can make sense of the exuberance or pessimism of active market participants.
Under Over Example
Option Chain Insights
Visualize expected moves inferred from options activity to gauge crowd sentiment.
Option Chain Example
Decile Breakdown
Contextualize values relative to all other values.
Correlation Analysis
See what stocks move up and down together.